Saturday, October 29

CHAPTER 4: MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second)

Well hello! *do i need to introduce myself??

       For this chapter, I will be the one who will explain to you what is MIPS. So, what you will learn here is:

      1. MIPS Architecture
      2. Register       3. Comment (#)      4. Assembly Instruction     5. Memory Operand

4.1 MIPS Architecture
    - a unit of computing speed equivalent to a million instructions per second.
    - an early RISC processor. RISC processors typically support fewer and much simpler instructions.

4.2 Register

    - limited number of special location built directly into the hardware
    - needd to perform the operation (cannot perform without it)
    - very fast since registers are directly in hardware
    - only 32 registers in MIPS
  • why? smaller the register, faster the performance
    - 1 register is 32 bits wide (32 bits = a word)
    - register preceded by $ in assembly language instruction
    - two formats for addressing:
  • using register number e.g. $0 through $31
  • using equivalent names e.g. $t1, $sp

    - special registers Lo and Hi used to store result of multiplication and division
  • not directly addressable: contents accessed with special instruction mfhi ("move from Hi") and mflo ("move from Lo")   
    - stack grows from high memory to low memory

4.3 Comment

      In programming language, we create comment by putting '//' at the front. Hence,in assembly language (coding in MIPS), we use put '#' (hashtag) before the words.


    - hash (#) is used for MIPS comments
  • anything from hash mark to the end of line is a comment
  • will be ignored in the coding

4.4 Assembly Instructions

    - in assembly language, instruction is a statement
    - each instruction is executed exactly one with a simple command

     Syntax of instructions:

     The arrangement of coding ::       1(ON)  2(Ds),3(S1),4(S2)

     1(ON) ---> operation name (ADD, SUB, etc)
     2(S0)  ---> operand for getting result or we called it ('destination')
     3(S1)  ---> 1st operand for operation called ('source1')
     4(S2)  ---> 1st operand for operation called ('source2')

     example :   add  $s0,$s1,$s2 
     - Syntax is rigid
  • 1 operator (add,sub, etc), 3 operands >> to keep hardware simple and fast

     :: Addition in assembly
         Example:               add  $s0,$s1,$s2  (in MIPS)
         is equal to:            a = b + c (in C)
     :: Subtraction in assembly
         Example:               sub  $s3,$s4,$s5  (in MIPS)
         is equal to:            d = e - f (in C)

4.5 Memory Operand
     - Main memory used for omposite data
     - To apply arithmetic operations
  • load values from memory into registers
  • store result from register to emory
     - memory is byte addressed
  • each address identifies an 8-bit byte
     - words are aligned in memory
  • address must be a multiple of 4

That's all from me. Hope you enjoys reading mine! Ppyong~